A music concert performed live and outdoors often creates a sense of entering another world.
Magic is the art of distraction while unseen actions are taken.
There is “magic” in music.
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daily inspiration - by Roger Ellman
A music concert performed live and outdoors often creates a sense of entering another world.
Magic is the art of distraction while unseen actions are taken.
There is “magic” in music.
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If you visit a cafe you get an experience comprising of the decor, the atmosphere, the people who serve you and even, the coffee!
If you go to a street market is the main satisfaction that of buying the bananas and greens you need? Or is it the atmosphere of the street, the chatter of stallholders, the navigation around shoppers and market merchandise?
When someone provides a service, operates a shop or entertainment, does it improve the lives of the owners? Does it improve the lives of the customers? Does it cheer up passers-by just by operating?
Think anew. Then take a look once again. Ask questions. Discover more.
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Always have something you find funny standing by.
Some days are cloudy, grey or dismal in every possible way – or so it may seem.
It’s a good idea to prepare a remedy for these grizzly intruders. Some possibles are a book of jokes, a ready bookmarked segment of a hysterically funny video or movie, or a reminder of one of the funniest moments you enjoyed with friends.
This is a way of turning on sunshine when it doesn’t shine!
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A holiday is official or unofficial.
But does it have to be either?
If it’s official do you have to take it, take the day off?
If it’s unofficial should you hesitate to take that day and mold it into whatever you want?
I don’t know. And I will not think much about this today, there are far better things!
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Trying to be “cool” is not an effort worth making.
Being yourself is the coolest.
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