"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for October 2013

“One monkey don’t stop no show.”

There are several songs with this title.

There are memories and moments around the phrase.

It may help you and I to summon up new ideas, to find inventive, creative solutions to something that’s got stuck in neutral.

Let the show begin.

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Under the apple tree.

By the orange grove.

Trees with avocados.

Streets with shops.

Corridors of your mind.

You’re doing fine!

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Funny how so many people are telling you that helping others is a good idea.

There are all sorts of reasons behind it. Sometimes they may be out of a political belief or social concern, well thought out, or not.

But one of the curious things that happens when you use your knowledge or experience to help someone is you ending up learning a lot.

That’s a bonus. And if you need it, a good enough reason!

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An army may win a victory or be defeated.

One person, you, could say something that changes the world.

I hope you always aim for better!


Improving someone elses day, will always make you feel better.

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Add a dash of quality, raise the level.

As you add quality – a little extra, to the things you do, you will find things of greater quality surrounding you.

Like, attracts like.

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