"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for November 2013


Not just a thing to compare with sheep, or blame for a dull day anymore.

“In the cloud”, you may be told, you can store memories. This now refers to retaining digital files, pictures, videos and information.

But clouds in the sky will always have a romantic tinge, a flexible interpretation as to what their shape depicts.

And that is a good metaphor for seeing new things in old places.

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Laughing while moving a mattress may not be a good strategy for lifting a heavy weight, but it beats being miserable about the task.

Making gritty work tasks fun is easy if you try. But you do have to think of it.

It may seem unimportant – fun that is – but that’s not true. When you find an amusing curve to an oh so strait line, it not only lifts your spirits and those of others, it’s good for your health. It’s true, it’s reality.

So I say in all seriousness…have fun!

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It’s a joy to be up and about very early in the morning.

People are starting, opening shutters, preparing shops, serving the first coffee and preparing the day’s conveniences for others.

There is an early morning kinship. People tend to say good morning to each other more than the later arrivals do, they greet the fact that others are starting their day.

Perhaps we could continue this feeling by lifting the rest of the day onto a new platform of friendliness.

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Before sunset there are three things you might do.

Just a suggestion…

Speak to one person nearby who you have not really spoken with before. Or make a phone call to achieve the same thing if you live far from anyone else.

Drink an extra glass of water, slowly, enjoying every sip.

Draw something in pen, pencil, paint, or any way you find convenient. It’s fine to draw a matchstick man or a portrait. Any small thing.

It takes a few minutes to do all these.

How does it feel when they are done?

Good day.

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You could say something when things are bubbly and fine.

Best to make things so, then invite everyone in.

Celebrating small victories is good.

Creating a masterpiece which may take you a day or a decade to build, paint, write or construct might be a high aim.

High is good!

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