An old pair of jeans.
A well worn table.
A suit with a history.
If you like.
At the same time, progress can be seized, encouraged and embraced with both hands.
Long live love.
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daily inspiration - by Roger Ellman
An old pair of jeans.
A well worn table.
A suit with a history.
If you like.
At the same time, progress can be seized, encouraged and embraced with both hands.
Long live love.
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Add a splash of colour (or color) to the area around your work space.
Could be a brightly colored cushion, a shining mug, or a picture.
You may notice a small incremental uplift in mood. And whenever you look towards this object of brightness, you are bound to add a tiny grain of energy.
If you already work in a colorful corner, you could offer this to someone else.
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Intuition is a valuable source, or tool if you prefer, for making choices and decisions.
Even though it is good to base decisions on information, pros and cons, analysis – that hard data is not always available.
Intuition will be unravelled (what is it? how does it work?) one day. It is highly likely that it is a form of rapid analysis combining conscious and subconscious “knowledge”.
Trust yourself. And proceed with honesty and integrity.
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Days go by.
Months add up.
But today can be the day that you’ll celebrate every year.
It takes one memorable event, which you can create. Any unusually significant thing. Could just be words, an expression, a smile unusually directed.
If you like.
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A wonderful aspect of Beauty is that it can be seen, created or found.
We can create a beautiful work out of an old table, paint upon or carve a lump of stone.
If you don’t see it, you can create it.
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