"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for May 2014

Music in the air. Outdoor festival. Sound carries and delivers a melody. Rhythm harnesses hearts and makes them sing.

Take a sip while the glasses are full.


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An honest autobiography, Has one been written yet?

Not many want to “tell all”.

What will you say today?

Who will you boost and reassure?

They may be the writer of your favorite book to come. Honestly.

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With a flourish, they walked down the quiet esplanade.

The river flowed through it. The trees stayed in place.

Outside was a race. Fast and furious covered in pace.

Time waits for boiling point.

Time for tea. Time to be.

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Stay where you are and move toward the future.

Step forward and recognize what is happening right now.

Did you smile?

Are you ready?

You can do it.

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Grilled papaya with chocolate sprinkled on a base of coconut milk.

Fresh roast news with a side order of good luck.

Hot scenery with a hint of parting sun.

Toasted stories served with love, abandon and wisdom.

Where now?

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