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Archives for August 2014

Cleaning windows shows how often the view you need is already there in front of you.

Looking with a clear mind, a clean window, can reveal ideas and images, and create solutions to things long pondered.

In other words, apart from trying something new, try a new view.

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Can music change the world?

Oh, Grasshopper, you ask such absorbing questions!

It can, it does and it will.

If you mean can it create world peace, abundant water and faster deliveries, then be ready to add something to the music.

Music inspires, music changes mood, music helps “flow” and music enthuses as well as it might sadden.

Is that change? Is that world change?

Go find out, Grasshopper. And be happily engaged.

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“Would you like rice with your burrito?”

A simple question can seem difficult to answer when it takes you by suprise.

But those are the best questions.

The answer can offer so much more than the question literally inquires.

The choice of fillings is not only about food.

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Here we are again.

Two steps and we are somewhere else.

Simple. Simplistic? Yes.

The right two steps can change the view, vision and immediate world around us. Everything.

It can be a joy to travel, yet at times a snail’s brief journey produces an epic result.

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