"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2014

On the way to the cafe, passing the river, a man stopped suddenly as his umbrella inverted during a sudden gust of wind.

What gusts and surprises may convert one tool into another?!

Is the flood of ideas as strong as the tide?

When you take ownership of an idea by making it a reality, you become the tide, the sudden gusts and other surprises you create.

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Benign surealism.

Artificially organic.

Structured casuality.

A round flatness.

Upward floating.

A heartbeat.

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Flight. Sailing at speed.

Slowly compared to any aircraft, a goose returns to a rendezvous point.
But it looks so swift. A rush to return.

Time for check-in.

And we soar.

Let’s all soar today…

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A winding road passing through rolling hills. Bright sun. A breeze. Warmth.

Water, reflecting lights. The harbour.

A feast under starlit skies.

A soft pillow, sauntering and soothing dreams.

A bright morning, whether sunny or cloud covered.

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Own your habits. Do with them as you will.

Let no-one else choose your behaviour, of course!

See the brightest things, aspects and traits and encourage them, both in yourself and in others.

What a canvas what a sheet, what a ball of wool!

You are the influence.

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