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Archives for 2014

“Would you like rice with your burrito?”

A simple question can seem difficult to answer when it takes you by suprise.

But those are the best questions.

The answer can offer so much more than the question literally inquires.

The choice of fillings is not only about food.

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Here we are again.

Two steps and we are somewhere else.

Simple. Simplistic? Yes.

The right two steps can change the view, vision and immediate world around us. Everything.

It can be a joy to travel, yet at times a snail’s brief journey produces an epic result.

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In the villa on the hill was a centre of learning.

Nobody went there to be educated.

People were invited and delighted to attend.

So many eyes were bright, so many ideas were floated in the fresh and nourishing air.

It is the next step, the powerful nectar that comes when we pass by the baby steps of musty and old seats of learning.

A new world. Baby.

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If two people walk their dogs in a park should they introduce themsleves, or will they wait for the dogs to take an interest in each other and use that as the excuse for conversation.

Depends which country they are in.

Or, well really, it depends on them..

Say hello!

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Enthusiasm is the key.

To everything.

Even silence is best enjoyed with quiet enthusiasm.

If that thing is dull and offers no power to your blood and heart, best find another that is life-giving and nourishing.

A spring unsprung is is a muted possibility.

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