"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2014

When the water flows, the river is happy.

When the water rushes, the river shows concern.

When trees reach up towards the sky they shake hands with infinity.

When you read this you have achieved something magnificent.

As humans we are all chefs of the universe.

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Seas of luke warm turquoise waters.

Mineral baths await.

Styles, foibles and fads.

The path you make, is the path you take.

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Some horizons seem closer than they are.

Once a decision is made you can reach further than you can see.

But you can only reach as far as you can imagine.

Fortunately imagination is elastic.

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Telephones used to have rotary dials.

Digital devices were once thought about as…well no, they were not thought about at all.

It’s amusing to see what was, how things used to be done. Museums are made of this.

Progress is by it’s nature, a part of forward motion. And that, is a better direction.

What can we improve today? Right now.

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Should there be restrictions and limits imposed on everyone?

What about speed, drugs, other behaviour?

Would leaving everyone to design their own perfect formula for daily actions, be a good idea.

If yes, why and what would a compromise be worth?
If no, why and what would a compromise be worth?

And now, relax.

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