"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for September 2015

Dressed to look the part of a pert operator in a spy scene.

What you wear should always, we recommend, be what makes you feel comfortable.

That’s the only rule. It may well mean you’ll wear a dinner jacket to the ball, or an evening dress if that’s more the thing.

At times you may find a silver shirt with gold tie seems just fine. Or not.

You own the wardrobe, you hire the outfit.

Once you are over 7 years old, you choose.

Time to get out the peacock feathers and the silk wristband?

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In a way unfamiliar to her admirers, the singer introduced a new song to start the show.

Three people were reading a newspaper, the old paper type, while the performance proceeded.

Two were smoking illegal substances (or not yet legalized, if you prefer it that way).

And one person was tuning his guitar ready for his solo guest spot on stage.

And yet the music played across smiling faces, the moon rose and the cool of the night reached down.

No songs were left unsung when the music faded and the clash of the symbol dissolved.

The journey home was full of smiles and laughs, bright eyes and well-tuned thoughts.

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Dynastic dining and the big table bluff.

The bigger the dining table, the more important the occasion.

Hey! Hold on! It is not so!

Sometimes the number of seats at dinner do define the value of the rendezvous.

But in your golden shelves of great memories you will have all sorts of locations, table sizes, even crates posing as tables, to complete the pictures you see when you recall dinners of note.

This is true with everything.

A Ferrari may be fast, but sometimes a little Fiat 500 driven by someone in a hurry, on a Sicilian mountain road, seems faster!

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They never got a certificate or diploma.

And you don’t need one.

The only person you need to qualify you, is yourself.

Yes…you may have guessed it’s just like giving yourself “permission”. But better.

Academic bureaucracy is superfluous and gradually becoming conspicuously redundant.

You can appoint, anoint and announce yourself whenever you want.

You know.

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Only the longest silk threads had been used to create what was undoubtedly one of the world’s most beautiful scarves.

The softness, brightness and sure smoothness, was exceptional and luxurious.

An owner could only feel better wearing this than proceeding without it, whatever their mood to begin with.

Some things are like this.

Something you own.

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