"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2015

A winding road through cleared trees shows you the trees.

You can also see the patterns of light.

You can also feel the road surface.

You can also enjoy the company of the other or others sharing the ride through (your) uncharted route. 


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Some fine day.


The right day.


The next possible day.

That may be tomorrow.

Taking it easy. Firmly. Certainly.

Strolling with purpose.

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some short mention.

Less is not more, but it may be clearer.

Dull is not bright, but it just might be invisible.

Target the tremendous, create the marvelous!

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In between one scene and another there may be a scene so brief that you cannot see it.

After the credits roll, will you still remember the scene with the giraffe and the unicorn?

When the music reaches a loud note of contention, do you rustle in your seat?

On a lake when the water is so still that it looks solid, do you dare dive in?

When the air seems to move like a ballerina in tempo, are you calm?

Have you checked that there is some variety in your days?

Soothing and calming balms are available at every street corner, beyond every hill and at the top of all mountains.

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You can have that! Yes!

It is only that some things may not seem worth so much effort.

But it is well worth reviewing what you think the results will bring to you, the benefits, the joys and the sense of reward or achievement.

And, you can choose to enjoy the climb up the hill towards the golden pot of realization, every single step of the way.

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