"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2015

Despite the rumors they found it good and well designed.

It was a refined concept.

So is yours? Refined? Well designed?

Intentionally great.

Exceptionally considered?

Any thing you value can be the best ever.

And then you can create the first, the best, the next.

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Even the rebels were sitting having coffee at the corner cafe.

You would have to know that they were rebels, guns were not on display and they did not wear camouflage. No clues. Just dangerous coffee drinkers.

Things we think of as simple pleasures may be universal. The homemakers share the habits of insurgents. Up to a point.

If you are after safety, perhaps owning a corner cafe might work. Or would it increase the odds, you’d be exposed to all factions?

Some teenagers in highly civilized, calm countries, are considered to be rebels.

Who were you thinking of?

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One fine day or another.

Today may be best, it could be that tomorrow is better. Not all delays are a result of procrastinating!

When the sun pours it snows in the Sahara.

When the rain shines, it cleans the mission.

Sometimes things being mixed up, then sorted into the correct order, provide an aesthetic clarity.

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Without doubt you should….

Of course you are a natural…..

Don’t hesitate…

If you have people around you who are alive, or should I say lively, you will hear this.

Only you know when that’s correct. And it often is.

Lucky you.

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The opening lines. Standing in a line. Waiting.

Expectations can be primed and steered by the opening line.

Generally those first words tell us whether to carry on reading, continue to listen, or at least wait for the second sentence.

But in conversation natural is best. Contrived pre-prepared opening gambits seem good beforehand, but the opportunity to use them in a flowing way rarely occurs.

Everything benefits from spontaneity, every moment.

No harm in some “rehearsed spontaneity” to get you started. But it must come from you.

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