"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2015

There can seem to be a pull in two directions over being pleasant and yet by doing so bringing attention to a niggling question.

If someone wants something you do not wish to offer them, yet they have given you a gift, then if you say thank you for the gift might it be a reminder of that other thing they want!?

Treat the two as independent, separate issues. Two conversations to be had on two different days.

But also consider, it is not always necessary to say thank you. It is just a wonderful thing to do every time it is appropriate.

The real answer is to consider how you will feel. If you are honest with yourself about that, you have the answer!

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Bring home the bacon.

But if we bring home the tofu is it the same?

Or if we get a credit to ride instead of a ticket, will that do?

Can a coin tossed into your local fountain bring the luck of the Martians or will you win the trip to Taormina?

Can you predict the future while riding a bicycle and reciting a poem?

Are we there yet?

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Different tastes of the day.

Saying so and meaning it.

Helping progress and bleaching superstition with sunlight.

A murmur of approval, a din of applause.

With good cause.

You, today, will have become a monument of motivation.

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When the sun shone upon them they had great ideas that changed their worlds.

Your bright ideas, what you illuminate, changes things for others.

You have influence.

We are sunlight well aimed.

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Fire was discovered so you can keep warm and toast marshmallows.

School lessons don’t always make sense.

Learning happens elsewhere.

You probably know more than the nearest professor.

You are likely to have a treasure trove of usable knowledge.

And, you can teach anyone you want to.

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