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Archives for 2015

Destiny and Brats.

That was the name of the band.

But the music was good.

Who chose the name?

I don’t know, and after years of interviewing interested parties I have still not discovered the truth.

It doesn’t matter though, music is more than a description of it can ever be.

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You could say it was the weather.

But I think it was my mood.

I had chosen and compelled myself to see everything as a possibility, a chance of lucky things expected to happen.

And it rained , but the whole day was sunny!

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Reflections loosely gathered like a rippling pleat.

Old friends are met at different stages. It’s impossible to know who will become an “old friend” when you first meet them, but sometimes you might suspect it.

One thing is certain, bringing together a bunch of people with the same interests is not a successful way of forging long lasting relationships.

Most valuable thing is to leave the door open, wherever you are, wherever you go.

Some things must be allowed to take seed and flower without any prior notion or plan.

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Great service is always a treat and will be even when it becomes universal.

If we are well trained, appreciating something good does not require the presence of something bad, in order to notice the contrast. It’s something we must train ourselves to experience and notice.

There is no place for evil and it serves no purpose in a world containing intelligent people.

Good is good and notice it we should!

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I think the heroine of the story deserves a better plot.

She is not given enough consideration and thus luck does not arrive in such huge dollops.

But wait, is this a change afoot?

Well yes, we now see the story unfolding in different ways, so extraordinary, what was two dimensional becomes many.

Now the heroine transcends not only distance, but speed, time and light.

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