"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2015

There is a light on. It illuminates the corridor.

Corridors are a means of communication, they take you to new places.

Let some light shines in the rooms the corridor leads to and you have opened up a cosmos of possibilities.

Metaphorically speaking!

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Silent songs are the most influential.

If you need to shout there is little chance the message will be heard.

Calm talk, coaxing lyrics and paintings do the heavy lifting.

The world changes every time you whisper.

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Long locks of syrup colored hair.

A sweet nature, a great mind.

Earnest reports and hidden flair.

Some fine, some coarse.

We share the world and it’s best strata reinforced.

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The rice tasted good, cooked so well, not too well.

A pink sky added flavor.

A warm breeze fluffed the pillows.

The scent of understanding.

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When light is shining upon wise words, we have the most accurate vision and acute hearing.

What is bubbly can be healing, what is still can be bitter.

The next time you smile, remember to let someone see.

Empty streets can be filled with laughter.

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