"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2015

There it is, up there, a moon that looks like a fast moving Frisbee.

Yes…really that’s what it looks like tonight.

Sometimes big serious things look flippant, whimsical and even trite.

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Both bank employees and con men wear suits. Do you feel inspired to trust a lawyer wearing beach volley shorts and an outrage-laced t-shirt? Perhaps you should. Looking for truth and integrity takes a shift in angle, view and focus.

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Dash and dot.

Cooking foil can be used to make a wide variety of prototypes and can also be used to signal to a rescue party (should the need arise!).

Wooden spoons can be used to scrape a soft surface while avoiding scratching it.

Salt takes the stain out of the carpet.

Improvisation leads to discovery.

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Local attraction or international sensation?

Baked here, sold there, eaten somewhere else. Do we believe it?

Trust yourself. It’s the only way. And it means so much more.

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Differences are good.

That’s why the corner restaurant, up the hill, behind the gardens, is so special.

When you feel like treating someone, celebrating, it’s that different location that appeals.

In the midst of the unique, you discover what is the same.

No need to find “common ground”. Just find any ground.

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If you don’t want to mash potatoes try something else.

I like mashed yams. Once cooked they are so easy, effortless, to mash!

It is not necessary to cut vegetables up into identically sized pieces, or to chop them into nano-squares. Food does not taste better for being organized like a bureaucracy!

Let the hems down, the pleats out and don’t plan too much. Happenstance, the magic of moments discovered and random discovery, have much to offer the warm blooded and prone-to-be-cheerful.

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