"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2015

Perfect symphony. Silky walks. Rustling parks.

Sometimes things seem mixed up.

And sometimes that’s refreshing.

In between daily routine and surprises from the side streets, are sparks of knowledge.

Moments that enrich our lives.

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Daily dose of decent discourse.

Saying hello or how are you can seem superficial.

But if you mean it, then it is meaningful.

Same with many other greetings “in passing”.

A better world?

Yours to create.

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Rain taps against my window as if it wants to attract my attention.

Everything around me is special and there for me. Just me.

You never need go shopping again!

But I will….and you will.

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Would you sign the guest book?

If it were a cheap, crumbling, sleazy motel?

If it were a Four Seasons hotel?

If you visit a friend’s house?

Do you feel like a guest or an owner?

Does context rule over and above first impression?

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Believing is seeing.

Actually, this turns out to be true.

But what this hints at, forgive the lack of explanation, is the importance of expectation.

The person to allow most of, such as believing anything is possible, is you.

It does not mean you Must do anything. It means you could.

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