"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for January 2016

Share the colours of the rainbow with the banker next door and say yes.

Dividing the lemon sponge cake into equal pieces, the international organization for sparkle and funding cements its reputation.

There are more ways to let the cookie crumble than there are crumbs in a cake.

Everything is new again.

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Rolling hills and rolled bills.

The hay was rolled too.

The nomadic teenagers had rolled sleeping bags tied to their backpacks.

The new Ferrari had rolled tail styling.

The new Asprey’s rings were rolled gold – quite a suprise.

Everyone was winning bowls of fruit and sliced vegetable fritters, rolled into a gift tube.

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In the early days they were slower and younger.

They became older, eventually old and really fast.

In between, they threw pebbles across the surfaces of smooth ponds.

Fish wondered whether to bite. 

But what was magical, was the moonlit, late evening, hinting-at-night, light.

They stayed in touch.

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There, the heavy lifting was easy.

Light as a feather, they said.

If you had walked far enough, you could turn to anyone and say “lift?”, they would pick you up and take you anywhere you wanted to go. 

But, if you asked a question they moaned and complained, almost collapsing as if exhausted by the hint of interrogation. 

But here, questions are the nectar of conversation. No one expects a lift!

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Too soon, she said .

You do need to let the oil heat throughly in the frying pan, before adding the mushrooms.

That was how peace became the norm. 

Sautéed arguments became melted agreements.

Definitely. Gently.

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