"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for August 2016

There were no seams and no stitches holding the fabric together.

These clothes appeared to have grown into the appropriate shapes and sizes.

 A new way of looking at fashion could revolutionize and improve health care, when the methods and innovations of one are applied to the other.

Take two aspirin with that jacket!

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In between the hairdressers and the handcrafted silver jewelry store, was a cafe.

They served food, coffee and drinks.

The food was delicious and unique, fresh and nutritious.

The coffee came from the family farm in South America and was the best, the tastiest.

The drinks were squeezed fresh from the fruits of the world. 

In between those things you already know, can be gems of discovery.

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It was only when I heard the bell ringing that I knew they were in love.

A bell can bring an emotion to the fore or send it to the back, but it does not create that feeling and experience on its own.

When you pour a drink, prepare a meal, polish a piece of green-blue glass, add the vital ingredient a bell can bring. 

Let it ring!

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The last place they wanted to visit was Diatribe.

This has been created as a place in a new story you will be able to read soon.

In this case soon means within a year to eighteen months from now. 

Something to be excited about.

Just in case there was nothing else to anticipate!

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A side order of leather belts and blue onions.

Some things seem to have a detailed description but are not so appealing.

The chance of something vague and mysterious being just right can be a better bet. More, a better result.

All bets are off. 

If they give you the menu. 

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