"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for September 2016

Did the carrot seem less orange than usual?

No-one was ready to answer the question, even though the debate was broadcast worldwide. 

When carrots become more popular than the Olympics, cooking contests and flimsy music contests, we have an agricultural culture.

Third in line were the bagpipes, which had been banned as a health risk. 

People lived at least twenty years longer.

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Very abstract.

Define and defy.

Stronger, but not so fevered.



Brilliantly considered.

We learnt how to combine the elements.

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The button was hanging on by one thread and a lot of hope.

Three days in a row, there had been noise,  colorful dust in the air and strange music which repeated every 3 hours and 27 minutes. 

Doors were open all day and night. 

Windows were made of a glass which illuminated itself at night. 

Dancers bargained for tickets for an opportunity to sit in the audience.

How fine it was.

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Lovely are the days when so much is achieved, that all of history so far seems as nothing in comparison!

Key is a worthwhile project.

What is a worthwhile project?

Hmmm! It is anything you decide, really decide concretely, to do.

No ifs, buts or melting ice cubes.

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Such foolishness.

One had a cigarette holder, but nothing to smoke. 

The other had a fork and no plate to test it on. 

The cars were for sale in neat rows, but there were no roads.

We were puzzled.

Was this a series of opportunities or a new way of life?

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