"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for February 2017

We sat inside, it was raining.

Later the sun broke out, like a teenager on their first stage performance.

Cigars were on sale, but nobody bought any – they all had their own brand with them, except for those who did not smoke. It clearly was not a good profession to be in, cigar sales.

Two better-crested eagles landed on long stretched branches above the crowd.

Bands of color streaks stretched across the sky.

Now, this seems good, just a little puzzling as to why all this was noted down in ancient manuscripts when what was going on had been digitized.

We can get on with the rest of the day now.

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In a way, they were the most famous ticket collectors in the world. 

They told jokes at the platform barriers, and offered advice to individual passengers. They listened to and counseled everyone.

Free therapy on your way to work.

One group of professionals complained. The psychiatrists found their business dropped off by fifty percent.

If only it were that easy.

Perhaps it is!

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We are ready to take you.

Where? Why? Now? 


I’ll think of something to say when they ask the inevitable question “when did you first notice this?”.

But instead we talked about music, donuts and the quality of paper used in art magazines.

Never ride a  gift horse in the saddle.

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Saver coupons for the latest lettuce-powered car, to be included in the Economist comic book.

Vegetables may be in even shorter supply as drivers shove carrots, lettuces and avocados into the food-fill nozzles of their cars.

High taxes on cycling have seen a fall in the value of Lycra and Spandex.

Now everyone wears Saville Row suits and Chanel outfits again.

No-one predicted this!

Perhaps this is (not) true, or….the future is not always as predictable as popular pundits pontificate. Pffff!

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Taken individually, the ideas were just moderately funny.

Later, laughing uproariously, with abandon, uncontrollably giggling, rolling with hysterical guffaws and loud harrumphs, the team got it right. That’s what they told themselves.

Then, they let one woman write it all and one read it. Everybody liked it. Except one.

Then the next one wrote something else, the lone dissenter laughed from dawn to dusk, and one other kept a straight, taught face.

Why this sudden focus on laughter?

Well, they said you had to focus on something

And they did!

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