"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for December 2017

The fanciful strategies of marketing mavens making sweet music.

Dinner was served. Or….was it?

They ate, yet they had no idea when they started.

Not just a meal, but the whole cosmos and life itself… seemed delicious.

Icing on that carrot?

Without doubt we have fanciful menus and nutritious ruses.

We are supremely organic…at heart.

This collection is ultimately…art.




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They are having absolutely no trouble finding everything they want.

We are looking ahead however, to the next thing.  We are sure we will be solving the biggest impediment to harmonic happiness and fulfilling reward, and the prodigious predilection for perfection.

“Your perfection may not be my pick” said the husky humanoid to the haughty hi-fiver.

So that was the reason there were so many channels.

A lake, a small pond, and a puddle.

Nothing left to muddy the idyllic scene.

Time for clarity and conspicuous meanings, tomorrow.


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Washed and winterized.

These people.

Those people.



Thanks for the greetings.

Delighted you were able to come tonight.

We should do it again sometime.

You should.




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The walk was worthwhile.

It always leads to an equation.

As the sun set the territorial limits were defined by a previously set syntax.

How could this be?

The scientific proof was waiting in the wings.

The wings were treated with an extract of DHEA.

Living life longer in liberty.

Ask your local scientist.

Then, it will fly.

Season by season.




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If they left their manners at home we should have forgiven them.

But we don’t know what manners are, so we will go and find them in the car

We were pulled over and of course the question was “show me your manners”.

Sometimes the unexpected happens.

Dedicated to Robert Heinlein…. how about that?

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