"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2017

Defending plates against forks by consulting spoons.

We were surprised, but should not have been, that there were still entirely new methods of diplomacy lying unused in the cupboards of the embassies.

To put it simply – there is always something to discover.

Brainstorming, barnstorming and just…storming.

We won victories with charm and battles with flattery.

The battles won with flattery were temporary victories.

Empathy proved much more lasting.

Now take a sip.


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Two steps and then, the cyclists flew over cars, beyond the clouds to famous stars.

The cat’s dogs yelped appreciatively.

The baker smiled.

A strong rope held all the jokes together.

Tidy well-sprung laughter followed.

What a fine place!



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We never saw the writer, he was swimming and then drove off in his Bugatti.

Two days passed and still, there was nothing to read.

We decided to start typing, and two weeks later reached the top of the New Work Tipsheet bestsellers list.

Nobody believed it was possible, even those who read the book.

Some magic wands really do work.

We ordered another one to have a spare.



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He was punching at the air as if a big boxing match were imminent.

An opera singer, we believe it was the aria from James Brogartio’s Magic Garden – a long lost libretto, was warming her voice.

When the lawyers write the daily poem, we know things will be clear and bright.

Later. Much later. It was sunset in the attic.

Before you go, take the keys.

All the doors are windows.


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Take the long way to the beach.

Take the slow climb along that rocky path.

Skip the smooth surfaces, for they offer no challenge and less reward.

Take five.

Take what they offer as a bonus.

Take that and give it to the person you choose.

Take your self seriously and then laugh at all the components.

And never follow instructions unless you approve of them.

And now decide for yourself.

Or not.


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