"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2017

“Willing to be wonderful” said the wicked witch to the wise magician.

And all the good people roared approval, salute, loot and toot. 

Some flew high, some dived low….just a soft kiss was the sweetest glow.

The freshest things grew.

It was all I knew.

And now….during a whole weekend of discovery, skullduggery and broiling brew – for the hugest price ever known, all cobwebs will be blown. 

And yes, since you asked, I’ll teach you!

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Soothing jade roller and the meridian lines of relaxation.

When the complexities of a day seem to loose all connection with your reasons to try, strive and progress, a cool touch of some soothing item can trigger relaxation and a return to the cause you love. 

Even allowing an ice cube to melt in your hand, just a bit, will help. 

Anyway, it’s an interesting distraction if the alternative is a mesh of high frequency noice and busy dust.

Another method is trying to make up a joke.

It’s a good contrast to anything that strains the temple.

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Quantum particles and the overreaction of molecular sunscreen scavenging genetic variation and empathy in squirrels.

Say, What?

That’s the normal reaction and, it is a good one.

The sentence is nonsense even if it could for a moment be confused with a super intelligent in-depth study and the recent paper published by a distinguished researcher.

Science, bioscience, physics, and studies of particles, new materials, and genetics are all valuable. Science is good. Research is golden or can be.

We say “Be unimpressed with the lack of a simple explanation”.

However, as the title of a song, well ok….not good for a chart-topping hit.

Yet, you never know. Oh, sincere apologies, of course, you do!


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Above the forest treeline emotions were fevered and high. 

Some people in the picnic grounds were high, but not fevered. 

The legalization of trees had changed the world, which was now green.

A prince, a princess and a priest walked the aisles of the biggest supermarket and all three wheeled giant carts, filling them with bags of popcorn and organic pretzels. 

If we gave you the latitude, could you deduce the longitude from this information and then charter a camel to home in on the location?

You are good!

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The day started with a dawn chorus. 

Of course you might say, how can it be otherwise?

Presuming the obvious is easy, but expecting the unobvious is beneficial. 

It is the flexing of the expectation muscle, the permission for new things. 

Even….a new dawn.

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