"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2017

The side orders of each day vary.

Some days have rainbows of big numbers and ideal statistics.

Other days have soft warm breezes, coffee at a pavement cafe and the perfect pain au chocolat. 

We like both. We also like the days of painting, writing, walking sand shooting the breeze. 

We shoot with eloquent phrases and stumbled word assemblies that become legendary. 

We are children of children who may just have grown up.

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Eternal warmth of the friendly aliens.

People from elsewhere try harder to be welcoming…so it often seems. 

Elsewhere is not yet a country, a county or a town. 

Elsewhere is a possible definition, a play on things that float at a convenient height. 

Aliens in fact, are living beings from another planet and so far… we do not seem to have any at all. 

So who’s talking about a revolution?

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Digital Minds and the Circumstantial Marmalade had ten years of extraordinary success.

Everyone has heard of them, everyone – even you, but you may have temporarily forgotten…

They sang the much copied and “versioned”  popular crowd-rousing anthem ” It’s Yours Already and We Got it All – For Love” .

So good and crowd rousing in fact, that in most political elections both or all prospective leaders would play it as the opening and closing mood-changer at their rallies.

We remember them fondly as they do airport music version, chamber orchestra versions and violin versions, of all their old hit songs.

What a blueprint!

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A festival of indelible ink and old fashioned pencils.

Fashion is not part of this event.

Everything people say is being written for permanent record on metallic cylinders which will form the basis of a time capsule.

I will try hard not to “choose my words wisely” – I really don’t want the citizens of the year 2090 who will open the capsule, to be bored beyond belief.

A joke…. perhaps the idea of people laughing for ages, ages from now, that’d be good.

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One second away from the Alamo.

2 days to be lucky.

No roads.

Tracks of dubious pedigree.

Considering the news. Adding views.

Lava flowing slowly out from the center of the island down to the depths of the ocean.

A garland of flowers in welcome and pineapples not to be consumed.

If you listen to me, I’ll listen to you. We’ll both have questions and then we will part with answers, more laughter, understanding, and friendship.

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