"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for February 2018

Free range and on the range.

Western cowboys and city strides.

Beautiful pictures and excited brides.

We, they, though and them.

Swallow slowly, breathe and take it in your stride.

Standing or sitting on a planet, unaware of the ride.

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Eastern promise and the western winds.

Adrift on an ocean of non-stick bricks, they floated and rowed towards the final answer.

Some offered numbers, others wanted laws and whips.

The solution was wisdom and sweet potatoes.

How could they not see this?

It was obvious. Obviously.

Oh clarity!



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Drenched in sweat, the royal couple saluted heads of state and rock stars.

We understood the lack of demeanour and couture, the heat was intense and humid.

On such an island one has to learn new tricks to look presentable, air conditioning does not exist.

Of course my white linen suit remained unruffled, I left it hanging in the closet.

A good thing that the fragrance of vibrant jasmine and honeysuckle created a diversion.

A momentous evening!

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We are not always sure what to do at that moment when something happens.

But, to others it looks like we take swift and certain action.

We do. We act, just the thoughts stream past like a speeding ticker tape.

It is always the right move. But we only learn that later.

Sometimes we never know if the choices were the best.

But believe me, they were.

Actions speak…yes they do, louder than words.

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There was an update, and visions of sparkling velvet.

Birds swooped on every plate as the guests left, hoping for at least one course of fine dining.

The musicians had described an arc of styles running from primeval to super-future-blues.

Lacing the pages of digital creation together, bound with silk and leather.

Non-leather bindings for vegans, and integrated circuit ones for tech-addicts.

Drawing signs of myopic journeys and widescreen ironing boards, we swept up the crumbs and put the old kettle on the hob.

A nursery rhyme, a dime.

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