"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for February 2018

Drive forward to the yellow line and then stop.


We could see no reason.

However the uniform, the expressionless taught face and the automatic weapon suggested we’d best comply.

Only greater apparent might and the sense of officious inhuman existence tends to cause the needle to move toward blind obedience.

The next day, in the mountains we yodelled, sang, sprang and delighted everyone we met with a fully human smile, an ear for their concerns and warmth that sizzled!

We think we restored the world to a healthy place once again!

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The mind can be controlled by selectively sending messages of what is wanted rather than what is not wished for.

In fact to wish for, added to belief in possibility, is powerful and positive .

Is it that easy!

It is.

And of course you are correct, it is also easy to doubt it. Stop it right now!

Your part of the world is everybody’s in the morning light.



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Rapidly gaining serenity.

The loose change in his pocket was enough to buy an old newspaper.

Yesterday’s news, today.

But better, were the ads, the editorials and the reviews.

Equipped to know what to do, what to see, what to say, he decided to stay quiet.

A brilliantly engaging book next time, perhaps.

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Highlights of a piece of healthy toast.

The forum was a serious venue for world chefs, but somehow the topics seemed less significant than in previous years.

We met the famous and distinguished culinary maestros.

We became diners in their pop-up eateries.

Everyone exchanged tips, but never recipes.

That would have been infra dig.

To Your Very Good Health mes amis!


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Love the way it sounds…


Never heard of it before.

Best to discover those “its” before they tell you.

Sitting in a room with rows of stackable chairs, being pitched the “great opportunity”, is not the best time to use your sense of judgement for a big commitment.

Great and good things are not delivered that way. Well rarely, perhaps one in a few hundred times – that’s as good as it gets.

Instead, wait, without expectation, for the unexpected!



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