"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for March 2018

Sending it the old way.

They knock on the door, then realize the button at the side will ring the door bell.

A quick exchange of familiar questions lead to familiar answers and yes….she did get into college, her first choice, the best of all for that subject.

They are in it together.

That must mean it’s a conspiracy?

Not in this case! They are all volunteers.


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Feedback and sizzle.

Sounding out the political landscape by Turner.

Appearances of still life by Warhol.

These days all we need are tapas.

Real tapas are not the part-meal items served in faux tapas joints around the world.

Real coffee may be imitated in the largest coffee chain, but go to Italy and you will find a totally different component of daily life.

Does it matter?!



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Sliced philosophy available now!

At which moment did the universe split into the two-thousand-to-the power-of-twenty-three ideas that we are starting to catalogue?

Medicine is not available to alleviate the minor ache caused by analyzing this question, and trying to answer it. But, we have a vapor-capsule which soothes.

It is deemed likely, using quantum-psychology-on-the-barbie, that the answer may be a number more than 2 and less than 47.

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The clerk is in the mail.

He got fed up with the job, so he mailed himself to somewhere exotic.

The post office he arrived at was hot, dusty, sticky and noisy.

The beach was better.

If only he’d brought his bathing trunks and his camera, he thought, sipping a multi-colored cocktail as he lounged under the comforting sun.



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Fascinating fountains.

Water was trickling down the lampost and with no strawberries in sight, I decided to hail a carriage.

A shadowy figure wore sequins and fake diamond jewelry.

The scene was seen by few, but those privileged in this way were given large gold keys and boxes of fine chocolates.

Vegan hucksters and vegetarian cow-hands sang at the bandstand.

The carnivores tried opera, merged with Acappella jazz ballads and fell into protest folk music.

A lawless place.





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