"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for May 2018

Two steps into fresh air, a cactus, and a mesquite bush.

We imagine more, and with greater accuracy than we see today.

Towels are drying, cushion plumped and faces gleam.

Three apples and a policy.

Truffle on, crazy winner.

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Be Soothed.

The trees, lampposts, litter bins and traffic signals.

Crossings and lanes.


Engine sounds.

Music, rhythm, and melody.

Balm of the city.

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Not a dry eye in the house.

It was the laughter, they were far funnier than anyone expected.

Not a clown, they’re sad, but sheer brilliance in humor. The sort that takes a high-pressure subject and deflates it like a sagging balloon without a future.

We had the best seats and even that became funny.

All this without intoxicants of any kind.

Honest governor!

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The day was dismissed like an out of turn Lieutenant.

We rank people highly who serve or have been in the military, but have ridiculously little knowledge of rank, responsibilities and the realities of their daily life.

At a retreat for out of season dancers the generals were giving tips and showing off moves, while everyone else choreographed each other.


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Pausing, she detected the non-sequential parrot-points through the window.

Deja vu, groundhogs and loop tapes were all pushing the envelope of truth.

Silence could be measured. Sound not so much.

We all have a debut.

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