"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for November 2018

Saw the frame and told them a story that shattered all myths except those that taught wisdom and grace.

We churned the butter, hummed and hawed and shook hands of peace.

Erase the past if you must, either way the future is…allow it, better.


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Saw the frame and told them a story that shattered all myths except those that taught wisdom and grace.

We churned the butter, hummed and hawed and shook hands of peace.

Erase the past if you must, either way the future is…allow it, better.


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Stainless steel sentences with a sprinkling of chocolate and pomegranate seeds.

Solid advice, inspired encouragement and a kettle boiling ready to prepare the tea.


Later that day they bumped into each other, literally, almost knocking each other to the ground.

Instead they smiled, embraced and updated phone numbers.

Will call.

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The plants are tough, their resiliency can be seen for miles.

The paintings are available for sale, if they sell they will be “outa sight”.

We are river people, we are bubbly and hungry. We will be fed.

Who can lead like I can.

No? I’ll train you and coach you until you serve and soar.

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Show me more of the best side of the better beauties.

Planing wood to fit the grand design.

A glow, a radiant reason explained by the sunset of formed design.

We give you a clear road to choose everything, such a privilege, invent and act like the best host of progress…a dinner party for the future.

Anyway….have a useful and rewarding day.

Laughter is healing.

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