"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for March 2019

The dirt was of value as a cataloging system, like the way Sherlock Holmes needed the dust on books to indicate their relative use and recency.

The film was shown on an old projector, rattling and noisy. But the worst part was the scratched and marked lens which made every movie seem like it was filmed in the middle of a desert dust storm.

Dust and dirt mark the spot, and sometimes create the context.

No country for the obsessively clean!

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Up to here is as far as it goes, but tomorrow, the sky’s the limit.

An appealing introduction to the new interplanetary subdivision.

Half-life estates and ocean size swimming pools heated by solar retrace and capture.

Endless fountains and crystal clear, pure water.

We love the designs.

We want “in”. But. But something causes us to pause.

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You could tell you had entered Spain from the different style of roof tiles and a new slant on things.

In the cafe at the edge of the village all eyes were glued to the window prying out a glance of the stranger who drove across a mere footpath.

The romance of public figures had cemented the immovability of life.

Music, local brandy, memories, ancient lingering disputes, and new jokes squeezed their way between those standing at the bar and wafted onto the uneven street.

Real travel you must assume.

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Stay longer and we’ll talk all night.

I look forward to the next period when conversations never need to end, laughter, brilliant realizations, the inventions of eons, all waft into the star-lit darkness like moths drawn to a searchlight.

We are tuned in now and have the apparatus – a brain – for inventive riddles and the unraveling of scientific theories.

We never rattle on about the traffic on the roads and what he said, she said, they said and did. Not often!

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There we were in the middle of Magic Motion and Magic Devotion, a seminar on future possibilities which are “readily available today”.

Easy to sign up for this monster event as it’s guaranteed to produce better results than oil and water…you can see the difference as truth floats on deception.

Or, the other way around, or the other way. It was a whirl, a frenzy of high octane positivity, optimism and unbridled confidence.

It was halo-creating quintupling of goodness and atomic enthusiasm.

Good thing that some things don’t mix.

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