"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for April 2019

The gift-wrapped persuasion.

I read the whole thing on a flight from one desert to the other.

What changed was me.

Whether it was the book I still don’t know, the landscape at each end was the same and I understood the language of neither place.

When two worlds connect the coyote spots an opportunity.

When the opportunity is seized the mountain lion smiles with satisfaction.

A job well done.

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Everything you see here is true.

But that’s if you’re on the ‘A’ Plan.

If you’re on anything else, stop taking it!

We’re not tracking anyone’s behavior.

We always thought tracking was something those old pickups did with and in the grooves of vinyl records of yore.

And we are One Big Futurist!

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Supersized Soul.

It could be: The new leadership/self-help/management/success-formula/life-wrangling best seller (you gotta’ read it).

It could be: a re-visit to early pre-Funkadelic groove-move studio sessions (listen to one split second and you’ll never stop movin’ again, thank you).

It could be : a new Hyperbolic-Excercise/pintagostics/Shabu-Shiatsu center opening in the high street (be there, be fit, be proud).

That’s it, I’ve got a train to catch.

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Of course I know I am boosting the brain power of a few people.

Can’t help it and I should boost myself by saying so…we all should.

I know you agree. I know you know it makes sense. And, I know you have a sparkling sense of humor.

And, what if the good work is spectacular, will I stand on a podium and accept an award?


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Delicate Moments, Funding Shortfalls, all tricksters and hipsters.

Yes – almost a news quiz, but in fact more a play on the players.

Never be ruled, rule yourself.

What on earth is Guarded Optimism or should it be Heartfelt Hesitation?

Making up our own minds. It’s coming back into fashion!

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