"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for June 2019

Megher said it was time to meet the chiefs.

That was exactly what we thought and the country’s leaders agreed.

They met at the side entrance of a lake filled with blue water.

The water was blue even when poured and had medicinal and energizing effects that were famed across time and space.

What Adoralama created that day was the foundation for new meaning and old measures.

This land may sound fictional, but it lives somewhere.

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There is an express lane for thin ideas and wide vistas.

We are gathered, they do the gathering, we attend.

And we feel smothered in a protective warm layer of friendship.

Your own very pet presence in perpetuity.

All the tones connect and get along together because they are interested.

Fresh days.

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They’re off to the races as far as the disc jockey is concerned.

Who hired this DJ?

She’s playing good music. From a time when each song seemed to have its own identity, its own way with the world. Or at least then, it was trying to say hello to the planet’s residents.

Will she stay? Or will the audience throw rotten tomatoes?

Either way we think it is fortunate that only fresh vegetables have been used by the caterers.

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Dimly lit in the bright sun we brightened, listened and played.

Dreaming and determined we captured friendly words, sentences and slowly, whole books.

Each passage was completed by wagons with wheels or pens with ink.

Dimensions divided.

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