"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2019

Drawing pictures out of your secret, but charming, thoughts.

It’s on show and much appreciated.

We had them laughing beyond any tragic moment and restored optimism.

Plans, promises and pledges were acted on and offered.

So festive, so forthcoming and so easy.

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Drama by drop.

Drips fell onto a metallic carpet making musical sounds at seemingly random intervals.

People in the street were interviewed with strangely personal questions.

Ice formed and quickly melted under the eaves of the wooden roofs.

The tree was clad in every color of LED light.

Technical traditions ruled the roost, sweetness ruled on the porches.

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Do it now. Or smoke it tomorrow.

Better to have a stalk of celery and then a spicy tea.

Always return to centre (better than “center”, it has a romance and flair element!).

This is neither an advertisement for soap nor for kitchen aids.

We’re so glad you are here. And yes, we have time for you!

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Didn’t know what to say, didn’t say anything, the eyes said it all.

No language needs as little translation.

It could be infra red or radio frequency or laser latching.

The brainstorming on a bowl of soup.

The best of all contacts beyond simple connection.

Just one look.

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All of us had exactly the same dream except everyone experienced it in a different country .

Unrecognizably beautiful airlines connected us.

Flights were as comfortable as soft slippers and crisp cotton robes worn at a gorgeous hotel, sitting at a small breakfast table on a marble balcony with dazzling views.

Fresh fruit was served in lyrical sentences accompanied by toast and muffins made of soothing promises.

We whispered at high volume.

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