"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for April 2020

Twist to open, cross your fingers to close.

Right away, we have winners, everyone won the battle for joke-telling.

The international Committee for Laughter requires everyone telling a joke to have a license, references and a top hat.

We are addicted to qualifications.

There is a five step program to get off that…we hope.

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Don’t reply. Just deliver the best vibrato performance and then swallow three glasses of water…slowly.

Wel, this advice was given under the most specific and unique circumstances.

Buy the book – which may be forthcoming one day – to find out more.

Meanwhile, I am here waiting.

We’ll have a drink. Just one, yes.

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From Evora to Sighișoara, from Siddharthanagar to Estancia la Celestina, we love to watch the midday signs of noon.

Safe to say in Kapisillit they say goodbye at breakfast and watch the fish arrive for supper.

Down in St. Merryn they look towards the dock of the bay, if they can find one.

A beautiful and curiously hazy day.

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Said in writing and cooked in dance, we shuffled along like chess pieces in a Monopoly game.

We shamed the sinner in the highway intersection and then made friends.

Tracing the oil flowing, the gold stacked, the lettuces ripening – we knew everything we thought we needed to know.

What we don’t know, we need to know.

When we think there’s nothing left we don’t know we play a game of hide and seek.

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There’s a delicious warmth in hearing you speak and enthuse over some weird theory. We listen for a while before ensuring you don’t think we agree for one minute!

But we have ascertained there is no harm, and that you will not be harmed, by this strange idea.

So we proceed, with…something.

Something else.

We have an appetite for so many things, and by and large, things that are healthy, good and mentally nourishing.

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