"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for June 2020

A frond fell silently with the sure knowledge it would land. That’s the nature of understanding a palm tree enjoys.

The babes learn from the wiser perhaps, sometimes accurate, elders.

But these lines of separation are wasteful deceptions.

Instead, we recommend the smooth arc of knowledge and ideas, postulates, and pensive pontification – let’s downshift to simpler times…whims and opinions – learned through trying, testing, forgetting, repeating, and choosing.

That’ll do.

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Radio playing in the back room.

Always new, someone else’s station, discovering something you like and something alluring in its strangeness.

You ask what the song is, then which station, then what they know about the music.

So much story, so much exchange, same planet.

Same resonant result.

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We are happy about progress in biotech and nanotech, wish we could speed it up further.

If we could jump right across that changeover period – like the steam engine to diesel, and parallel morphing of old to new – we’d save a dollop of hardship for everyone.

We’re told we are creative, so we must find a way of doing just this.

They thought we are an artist…but there’s science in there too!

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Falling from stars and rising like waves.

Sure things and gold rings are available down the narrow lane, the one with cobblestones.

There’s a small shop where you can buy pastries snd also sit and sip tea.

There are twenty-four flavors.

Mrs Jameson and Mr Wick send postcards for you. They’re very fast at transcribing an address when you say it, line by line.

They also give well-considered advice.

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The house was built like an enormous frying pan.

Hot on one side, cool on the other and with a huge door handle the size of a senior elephant’s trunk.

On being invited inside my coat was taken by a tall, lean man who handed it to a tall, lean woman who handed it to an attendant wearing red and green silk layered garments.

The sun shone through enormous spherical-paned windows, the cool came from monumental decorative ceiling fans.

Next, we hoped to meet someone, somewhere inside.

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