"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for September 2020

Dastardly dealing with the aim of gaining a slice of chocolate cake.

Some things are the best in their class.

This chocolate cake is good enough to make an exception even when cutting sugar intake, just once a year. Just one slender slice.

I’ll reverse out of this topic and wish you a fine day, better than yesterday, and a foundation for all future successes.

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Learning so much.

Some courses teach..very little.

But then, others are revelation upon reveal, upon valuable gem of usable knowledge.

My seminars, lectures and tutorials are in the second category. I hope!

Well, as the aim is to provide useful, usable and trans-formative methods, ideas and information, we often succeed in doing just that.

Even if a course is free, it must dazzle. Otherwise it pushes participants away.


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So many lands, countries and boundaries.

Hours ahead, hours behind.

Backward, forward.

What is the right time?

It’s a circus.

Actually I’m thankful it is not!

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Same story with a different seasoning.

Cancel that, leave the same behind and adopt the different – but, it’s all up to you.

And me.

We’ll do it togther.

You know if you are intelligent.

And if you are sane and bright, there is only day – no night.

Thus illuminated, become a princess, or a prince, and influence the land.

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Just the numbers. Oh, and do say hello!

We saw a wobbly walker. Perhaps ill, unsound, or drunk.

But you know, he added interest to the parade of passers-by.

Then, we noticed everybody saying “Hello!” to him. Everybody!

We never got his name.

But we would recognize him even among a crowd of wobbly walkers.

Simple, safe and a sauntering sentiment.

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