"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for December 2020

Fitted and filtered, the top of the tree with tiny branches emphasizing height and unreachable nature.

Trained to surf the waves of warm feelings and trembling anticipation, we signed up for the full immersion and after-glow.

Between arboreal acceptance and structured programs we could have been part of an organization.

Still at peace.

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Springy floorboards, rustic charm, color was abandoned for the old look.

We brought with us many colorful clothes and other items, when we unpacked the ordinary became a sublime temple of festive, frolicking fun.

We abolished grey and brown in the interests of the happiness and creativity of the human race.

You’ll get delightfully used to it!

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Longing and imagining.

Somewhat different of course, but shall we exchange furtive glances?

Drips from ice melting on the roof set out an unusual rhythm. As new and exciting as Dave Brubeck’s early experiments in jazz.

A bird, unnamed and unwitting, landed on the railing, looked around and decided not to purchase the place.

Some confusion may ensue. Don’t be concerned. Just practice making up your own mind without any advice or data. There are those times.

Eat well, rest well and speak well.

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The scaffolding was more attractive than the house it clung to.

Wrapped in waterproof paper it was gradually being made dull and faceless with the attachment of grey shingles.

Soon we will build houses with facings of beautiful hewn stone or light wood logs. Some will even be painted in colors contrasting with their neighbors.

The result will be for everyone to feel happier.

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Dish and dart. A country apart.

Let’s leave the strife behind, we are free to do so.

Start a new nation with us, where sanity is prized and science and logic are studied and applied.

While thinking about this have an English scone with thick cream, clotted if you are in Devon and Cornwall in England, and lace it with rich fruity jam.

Now tell the phony failing salespeople to enjoy their evening and stop calling for no good reason.

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