"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for September 2021

Eat the cake.

Then water.

And silk, gold and brussels sprouts.

Draw the picture.

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Bureaucracy, red tape is all a waste of human energy, resources, emotions and cherished time.

It is an effective drain.

It drags down all who receive, use, get abused by, work for and design.

Bureaucracy will be simplified so much that the word falls out of use.

Disposing of pointlessness is the point!

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The pie and the night sky.

Seated and meeting the group.

We are all in the loop.

Nobody knows the hilarity we know.

Next time.


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Adrift and washing.

If an uncertain future awaits, does it really wait?

It will arrive anyway

And in between now and then days will become weeks or at least minutes will grow to be hours.

Signing this form for inclusion.

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Satiated in Santa Spratta.

We had a reservation for the mythical village of Santa Spratta.

We couldn’t find it.

In the Ferrari GTW we had rented we edged closer to it and the map and tracking device showed we had arrived. But oh dear, nothing there except a surprisingly small supermarket.

Everyone we asked nearby to where it was supposed to be, told us to turn around and go the other way.

Circles later we chose to shop at the supermarket as consolation.

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