"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for December 2021

The story of the red felt pen and the blue felt pen meeting the green felt pen in a bar, is famous.

Now….it is. In case you hadn’t heard!

The question was always which one happend to tell the most interesting story.

And why would anyone care, when surely they’d wonder whether even the best story was good or important or valuable?

The Three Felt Pens, perhaps a film title, or a book or merely a fling of fancy of one moment.

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In the garden by the waterfall.

There is music, babies singing and plants keeping green shoots alive.

Talking of western movies, lullabies and roast beans.

We are all chefs, all painters and all carpenters.

One Rolls Royce, one Ferrari and a horse and carriage.

When the water splashes it confuses itself, pleasingly.

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The entrance to the cave was in the far corner of the red room.

I had been promised untold treasures and the answers to everything once the journey inside the cave was complete.

I decide first to have tea and scones with Cornish clotted cream, just in case something odd happened and so my last memory of the normal world would be pleasant.

If you or anyone you know has never had said special scones and special cream, we can book you on a tour which will include this heart-rate-rasing treat.

Or, if you prefer, any other island visit is also on the menu.

Carry on.

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The feeling was wrapped in gift paper, a new idea was shrouded in a lettuce leaf.

Both startlingly delightful and tastily thoughtful.

At a time of festive frolick, we try to avoid being too bucolic.

Send messages, deliver biographies and trim with spare novellas.

Hold the line please.

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Support your neighbors first.

Getting so very excited about a country is not good for anyone…support second, improve first.

Celebrations are fine.

Good time to mark time.

Good time to mark successful compassion and successes in earth-moving.

Digging every day.

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