"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2021

Maybe later, I’ll call you, soon, well…I’ll try.

What’s goin’ on?

Firm decisions equate to more fun, and just well, more.

Meanwhile find a parking meter and meditate while playing salsa and eating a healthy energy bar.

After that buy a few banks, redefine management for the next era and take no aspirin before driving through the sound barrier.

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Really Awsome Delivery was the name of one of Roger Ellman’s Active Business Mantras.

Now he is dealing with things on a more universal, spiritual and future-benefitting basis.

It’s all about delight and motive and motivation, but it adds millions to the Daily bottom line of any business.

So perhaps you should seek him out. He promises no long reports, all-out inspiration and empathetic dynamism.

This, is What The World Needs.


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Dashingly dressed to deliver humane, affable and friendly presence in a world sometimes populated by mediocre opinionated sods.

Let’s stand up, stand out and sit up to win worlds of wonder.

There is never a time to settle for a Ford Pinto.

Temporary stepping stones are fine, then, wizardly wise work is a weapon of peace.

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Surely you’re not giving me the Ferrari, the house and the yacht?

You are?


Because I’ve done so much for you in your life?

What does that mean?


Yes. I’ll say yes.

Thank you. Thanks you very much.

I’ll learn to enjoy it.

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We are all dreaming.

Some more than others, perhaps that’s better – to dream more.

We are all hypnotized, propagandized and vastly persuaded about things that are good for us, better for them and best for everyone.

Yet, the biggest yawning gap in human progress is in human empathy and real-time, real honest communication.

Now, how can I improve this today?

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