"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2021

In a bit of a hurry, got to go, must rush, see you soon.

So said the tortoise to the zebra.

And so said the loafing loofer at bath time.

But when all is said and done, which it never is, everything is relative if you want it to be so

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Sending messages with autumn leaves.

Two golden curled leaves mean “hello”.

A flat green leaf, if you can find one, means “we need to talk about last summer”.

A twig and leaf sent at the same time means, “it’s better with looser clothes”

But the problem is that the language is evolving so slowly that communication is stifled.

To stay informed, Listen carefully to the rustling of the leaves.

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Excitable tea towels with a confused yearning for forks and spoons.

Taking a wrench to a cotton tea towel does not work well.

Easier to wring it out by hand

On the beach keep all these away from the sand.

And, let the good waves roll.

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The shower was running, steam sneaked out beside the door, in small puffs, like an unwilling cigar.

Drawing conclusions was so passé.

A rustling came from palms interrupted.

Driving range.

Just for the hope, the sympathy and laughter, endless laughter.

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The phone was standing on its own, upright and ready for calls.

A ring tone like goat bells dinging on an Aegean mountainside started to sound.

Picking up the small digital block with batteries, I heard a tiny voice, sweet and concertedly sincere, saying ” you have to get out now!”.

It was my fitness instructor reminding me that sitting and gazing at the view of two giant cauldrons steaming away needed changing. My position needed changing.

But isn’t that true for all of us, I thought.

Just then, the prime minister’s motorcade rolled up at the main door, orange metallic painted Maybach first, followed by thirty cyclists riding on bicycles with training wheels attached.

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