"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2021

Not too concerned that I may have skipped a number, providing no two are the same, the total is the least important piece of information.

It was the pleasure of doing, the long haul, and the continuing delight of adding more to the treasure trove of work.

That’s the reward of making things.

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The building appeared made of garden shed materials. Block board, particle board, too many nails and some hastily stuffed insulation.

Even so, it took over a year to complete.

Construction of houses in the western United States was not technologically advanced…still isn’t.

Laborious and repetitive tasks were and are the rule.

Nothing pre-formed and generally, well, nothing but lavish garden sheds too close to each other and selling for insane – what poor value – prices.

At least there is room for improvement!

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We observed a theta-delta event and had no idea what it meant.

Really enjoyed it though. Wonderful in all it’s, we think, colors and sparkling vibrancy.

Have you ever had that, an experience which cannot be described in physical terms we use every day?

Nor physics. Or even chemistry, biotechnology, Quantum mechanics, nano-technology, string theory, or a general number field sieve.

No this was “different”.

Not an ordinary or idiosyncratic moment.

Something. Other.

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Sending detergent to dirty streets and buildings.

When we were in the forest, talking to trees, eating strange leaves and looking for thicker patches of sky, the idea of being in a city again never came to mind.

The sounds of birds, small furry animals and the crack of twigs underfoot were only the introduction.

A crescendo of sound happened every morning at five o’clock, that’s how we experienced it.

Until that was, we found the river.

Then, a new sound of rushing, running flows and the show of glistening in a forceful sunlight.

No armchair, just being there.

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We read 23 books, looked at 2,000 colors in the spectrum, tried Himalayan, sea, and desert rock salt.

Only after that, when we looked into the reflecting mirror of Dinzar, did we uncover the secret.

Had we known it was so simple, we felt certain we would have guessed.

Then we remembered how sure we were that the answer was intricate, complicated and generally difficult.

We would never have guessed with that sort of thinking.

No secret sauce needed.

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