"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2021

That burnt biscuit taste.

Appealing – a little, still something wrong.

The rest of it could be delicious and memorably good.

One of those times when when the dainty cup of coffee, all four sips it provided, was the best part of it all.

Victory in a small cup.

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Standing half way along the street, directly under the faded amber light, was the target.

We had searched for days, on foot, on stolen bicycle, on a motorcycle – a 500 cc Ducati in fact, in a garbage truck, in a borrowed Aston Martin, not necessarily in that order.

We had just one question that only an expert like this could answer.

They answered very calmly in a quiet but firm voice, “yes, you are in Malta”.

It was so good to see a long absent friend, once again.

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We dwell and observe. Then, all at once we act to create a miraculous world of growth and wellbeing.

We have discovered the formula: how to combine these two apparently disparate things. Now it can be yours for a small fortune.

All this should be prefaced or suffixed with the word: Perhaps.

Is it the way to go or has the way gone, we wonder.

Do true birds of a renaissance feather fly together?

Improvise or improve? We bring them togeher!

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Hope we saw the best.

It was if you found it and ignored the guide book, forgot recommendations and lost the reminders.

Creativity, they say, is a good thing (who are “they”, we have no idea…but presume “they” know!).

To find your own thing, the place, the idea, the story, is rewarding. Following the crowd is merely the comfort of avoiding the new and dazzling.

But. We are happy if you follow the consensus some of the time, it leaves the field more available to us.

See you there!

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Sweet upgrades and a parking meter.

The time said twenty minutes.

We wanted more.

It didn’t cooperate.

We left a note.

The note was polite and engaging as well as explaining how we would have happily paid for an hour but…

When we returned the car was clean and shining bright as new.

Someone had washed and waxed the car.

They didn’t leave a note.

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