"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2021

We fly you out.

That was the policy.

Being so desired, as an employee, felt good we imagine.

I was “flown out” one time, but not as an employee. Or that’s what I thought.

Two years later I was a valued employee and knew everything about the company and it’s products.

It was an opportunity that included abilities in improvised business travel, copywriting, design and communicating engineering and medical principles in an easy-to-understand way.

Compared to what I learned in less than two years, my time at school was amusing but surprisingly unproductive in any measurable way. Go, figure – literally!

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You read my mind.

And that, before I’d decided upon today’s subject.

So I am pleased to give you a voucher for a minute of my attention, sometime in the future.

For now, I’ll make you a hot drink and a toasted muffin.

Later we’ll look at a map of the island.

X marks the spot.

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Exploring themes of laughter as a cure, concrete mixed with whipped cream and conversation in a language you’ve never learnt.

This is just the start. A beginning, A taking off point for the book, the letters and the poems that’ll charm the sailors and seamstresses.

We could begin before summer, but there would be no fun in that.

So we will wait, and wait and you will…wait.

We can write notes to each other until the start of play.

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Logged in to mystery and wild beliefs.

The campfire had gone out. Just a waft of warmth remained.

At four thousand metres (almost thirteen thousand feet for you) it was cold and frosty.

People had begun to get to know each other before sunset.

By the time the stars were the only form of navigation around the roasted dainties and melted morsels, we knew who we believed in.

Friendships solidified.

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If the premise is not promised, promise to look elsewhere.

Noise and unrequested sounds are prohibited after ten. But we insist on much more. Nobody wants the other person’s noise, and none should be expected to endure it.

Soundproof now!

Unrequested music when one arrives in a village as a visitor, that’s a different and often romantic, thing.

Let the music play!

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