"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2021

Oh! Stratospheric Polar Vortex, please say at home, be well, and keep us warm!

Being hotter in Iraq and colder in Texas than anyone remembers or cares to find in the record books, that’s just not cool.

Be reasonable unseasonable slob!

How can you cast this spell upon us!?

Be rested and sleepy once more!

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Drumming up support, courage and peach pies.

We are investing time, money and feverish ideas into the future, a future we know nothing about but suspect a lot.

Of course sometimes we cross our fingers, other times when it’s a long way to the next WC we cross our legs. Something like that.

Once in a while we meet someone we trust, then we give them our own phone number and personal email address.

There are so many particles in the air we breathe, we can’t list them.

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You have won a three week luxury holiday on Mars.

But will you go?

Not the ideal location for keeping fit, and you really have to believe “the journey is the thing”.

The trip would of course remain one of the best stories you could tell, but all stories depend on how well they are told. Start practicing!

The prize, this long and so far unique trip, is not transferable. You go or you don’t.

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Nuclear replies and the messages from selected angels.

Harsh yet precise words were followed by the sound of musical description and poetic resonance.

We are confused some of the time. At other moments such ringing clarity is a joy, and one enormously calming pain all at once.

You are alone if you wish it so. You are not alone if that’s a bad thing.


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The vine and two spoons.

We witness timetables lost in dust and welcome abandon.

We are sawing through the tentacles of disturbance and miscommunication.

But we’re not surprised you haven’t guessed.

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