"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2021

Space or a gap. A day missed could avoid the snake that hissed.

The calendar is just a construct, albeit a useful one.

Other than meeting people when promised, looking forward to a thing planned or paying on time, it’s up to you to squeeze the best results out of the “malleable known as Time”.

Or me.

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Splendid views with an emphasis on exaggeration.

We really care about the view.

That telegraph pole blended with a stack of old rusting garden implements in the next door yard does not quality for glorious view of the decade.

The nano-slit glimmer of the lake we might see if we could just notice it between a garage and the rear door of a garden shed, you’ve got to be joking.

The mountainside and the goats in view only when standing on top of the kitchen counter, not good enough.

Honesty and quality. Please!

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Awards will be given for the best simplifier.

Contracts should be simple, clear and easy to understand. Those that are not should never be accepted.

No bureaucratic procedure, no application, permit or disclosure should ever take a noticeable amount of time to complete.

All organizations and services, government or private, should bend and stretch, head over heals to simplify everything they ask for or provide to every customer/client/unwilling or unwitting recipient, if they do not, they are not fit for purpose.

We have great technology but we do not yet have plain-sailing and easy transactions of most critical things.

Insurers, are your ears burning!? And there are so many others!

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The side-effects of sipping a cup of tea with you.









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Sainted and feted. High levels of goodness, and wise too.

We wandered through archway littered narrow streets, in the forest, beyond the towns and afar from villages.

Learning ancient truths and new principles, we grew brighter and lighter.

Ready now, to teach the young and inspire the moderate with a chance of indoctrinating kindness and certainty.


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