"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for 2021

Startling air with a touch of orange.

Stairs and walls painted white.

Dark bark on green-leafed trees.

Announcements made and looks of delight, amazement or amusement on the gathered, and sometimes weathered, faces.

We are in the lowlands, living the high life.

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Tether that donkey and keep the rabbit behind the blue line.

A good and clear instruction. Two instructions in fact.

As I am near the same blue line, I’d like to chew on a mint.

I’ll climb the ladder, metaphoric or physical, whether scaling the vapors of knowledge or taking a can of paint to that wooden batten below the roof.

Some days, most days, there’s so much to do.

We like it that way.

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Written in pencil.

Shall we dance or use duct tape?

Is the mayo fresh or, the other?

We have a pair of pears to share. Ripe.

A drop of water, wait…a tear, falls into the folds of your skirt.

You will ensure I tell you everything, how I feel, how I think and what I’ve done.

Only inspiration.


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Refreshing, pondering and life-like conversation.

Or shall we say alive conversation. Just waiting for someone to say that all conversation is alive, but it isn’t.

The chance to meander like a river, through and across subjects, around the curves of obstruction and always continue forward. So good.

Some entertainment is an education. Only a tiny bit of education is entertaining.

Learning in the fullest sense is educational and entertaining.

Something like that!

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Sliding down the hill on a tray marked “Joy’s Cafe” was the highlight of Puig’s holiday.

Both of them had become firm friends while the visit to appropriately named Snoslyde described as the “Ski Area of the south” continued into spring.

Puig and Dewley had never met before this longest-ever holiday, even though it turned out they came from the same town.

Their parents had sent each of them with their appropriate grandparents, the “oldest skiers on the hill“, for this epoch-making trip to allow their own travels to progress as both sets of parents were astronauts away on even longer flights of fancy.

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