"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Archives for June 2022

A club I should belong to.

Where is it?

What would it be for?


There are moments when the idea of a protective faux-womb of supportive co-members seems tempting.

Until…the invite comes.

Then we realize we are party to a universal membership. A much better thing.

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We’ll travel on the brightest day.

It’ll be sunny.

Today the view is as limited as that of an American poltician.

Perhaps any politician, but then who’s counting!?

Yet we know if we have to we can get through, single steps at a time if that’s all the fog permits.

But it would be swell if it all became bright and clear as a bell!

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Disseminating merriment and wise wonders.

He was to all a very effective tutor.

He knew not all would learn what he was supposed to teach.

He knew that what he would teach was irreplaceable, in that no-one else would touch these topics or tear the covers off non-reality like he lifted the fog of nonsense.

And as a bonus, we all remember him and tell the best stories about him.

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The lozenge dissolved leaving a minty, mentholy clarity.

Perhaps thinking itself had been lubricated…

It most definitely seemed better and everything was sharp, full of color and meaning.

Tone was improved, like a symphony with the final long-contemplated touches of tympany.

True and tried, yet totally original.

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