"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Saying this day shall be remembered.

It was unusually calm, yet also full of achievements, small and numerous contributions to the world.

There will never be an award, and nor should there be.

What was given in place of a golden ornament, were the smiles of so many.

And more to come. The gift that keeps on giving, without any doubt.

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The bell rang and the light flashed. Ice cubes melted.

It was time for the special of the day. Lemon mousse with chocolate liqueur it seems.

Nobody ate it except me.

They missed the treat of a culinary lifetime.

Not just that it was special, it was imbued with magic and drizzled in a glow of euphoric discovery.

Not your usual desert.

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Stop quoting other people.

I would love to know what you think.

Your version of Wikipedia or of the library of congress, that’s everybody’s source.

What You, You, You think and what You, You, think about what someone said or wrote…that’s interesting.

Learn to describe and paint a picture – I’ll try too! – and we’ll all get along just fine.

Many thanks in avance.

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Saints and Sinners and Presidents.

Are they all the same, all one, all different or is there no connection between them?

We’d rather leave this strange question for later.

We’ll have a healthy snack of oats, raisins and lightweight milk.

Then we will call a friend.

That’s better.

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Processors and processors.

Some electronic, unfeeling thing. Or. Someone with feelings and a great ability to convert things and ideas into records.

These are different, but they are partners.

I am a processor and so are you.

I am also a creative dreamer with a romantic and sometimes whimsical cast upon the realities which waft around me. So are you!

Everyone gets to help wash the dishes after the festive dinner and by doing so a chore becomes a valuable social occasion.

If you don’t know how, learn by doing.

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